Sunday, January 31, 2010

Things I hate

I hate people who:

  • Don't say "Thanks for the game" because they have lost.
  • Extend the game trying to live inside your smaller territories, or trying to kill two eyes groups.
  • Lose on time deliberately just to no have a resigned or lose by 50 points game in their statistics.
  • Don't answer when you ask them why are they playing stupid moves ( in relation with second point )
Internet go has these problems, but there're a lot of good players, serious players. They want to play a good game, despite of winning at any cost, they 're the really good players. Those who want to win are not go players, are stupid stubborn that won't improve never, because they don't enjoy go, they enjoy winning.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Go players are clever people"

"Go players are clever people"
                                 Dani's Mom 

Today I met Dani at university library's door. We bump each other and started talking about a lot of things, he remembered me this sentence. We were in his sailboat after 1st Cadiz Go Open, and her mother asked everybody ( we were about 7 go players and his parents ) about what was doing.Four IT students, one matemathician and two engineers.

It's curious that a lot of go players are science people, it's something special in go for people that likes mathematics, physics or just curious and interested in technical things. I remember one of my sensei's post, very interesting. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Only the dead have seen the end of war."

I really enjoy tsumego.  It's very gratifying to find the solution.  Sometimes they are simples moves with just a move or two.  Sometimes it is really difficult to find the move, or when you think that you've found it you're mistaken.  And when you find the right sequence you're happy, working hard and seeing the answer as a white flash into your eyes.  

It's very amazing the way our mind works.  We can't control it, and without really reasoning anything it shows the right way to work out the problem.  Go is amazing :).

Black to move and kill.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do you...

... listen to music while playing baduk? :)

It's a really serious question. I don't usually listen to music while playing, because I find myself singing or whistling, so I think that it makes me less concentrated.

And you? :)

Razor's Lorizael

Feel my mortal blow...

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[900]OT[4x20 byo-yomi]
PW[cardo]PB[Lorizael]WR[5k]BR[6k]DT[2010-01-21]PC[The KGS Go Server at]RE[B+Resign]
;B[pd]BL[898.057]C[Lorizael [6k\]: Hi
;W[pq]WL[897.55]C[Lorizael [6k\]: Gg
Lorizael [6k\]: :)
cardo [5k\]: hello
;B[ds]BL[132.265]C[cardo [6k\]: thanks
;B[lc]BL[35.549]C[Lorizael [6k\]: Visit my go blog!
Lorizael [6k\]:
Lorizael [6k\]: :)
cardo [6k\]: to learn?
Lorizael [6k\]: To ...
Lorizael [6k\]: To do tsumegos!
Lorizael [6k\]: I write it in spanish
Lorizael [6k\]: But tsumegos are in GO!
Lorizael [6k\]: :)
cardo [6k\]: : )
Lorizael [6k\]: Thanks for the game
(;W[bs]C[Lorizael [6k\]: And a capture race
Lorizael [6k\]: But i'm ahead in it
Lorizael [6k\]: So thanks
Lorizael [6k\]: :)
cardo [6k\]: yes
Lorizael [6k\]: bb
cardo [6k\]: bye cu

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why did you started playing baduk?

Ok, let's go. One question for people who read me.


I discovered Baduk three years ago, I learn how to play and I played a beginner 9x9 tournament, I won. The prize where a little board and stones, so I teach one of my partners and we played about a month.

I liked a lot the game, but I didn't found nobody to play so I got bored.

One year later, I was helping Alex to do some graffitis in an event in my university, and I heard that they needed some people to teach baduk. I offered myself to contact Sevilla's Club and I lost myself in the game.

I love Baduk, I think that is one of the beautiful games which exists...

And you? Why?

Go, Weiqi, Baduk

Hi all, from Spain.

I'm Lorizael, the owner of this blog and this other in Spanish. We are here to talk about baduk, I'm going to post a lot of problems of my level ( actually 6k ) and reflexions about the game.

So first day, first problem.

If you click on the board you will be redirected to eidogo, you can use it to check that your solution is the correct. But, don't use it to put stones in the board you won't earn anything doing that, think before put the stone. :)

Pd.- Feel free to correct my english, and to comment solutions. :)